Saturday, June 13, 2020

Introducing A New Blog

I know, I know, I haven't written anything new on this blog in a while. Well, it will still be a little longer, but I am going to start writing on the ISC Blog. The first post is going to be an article from a website that for some reason sends me newsletters called Prophecy News Watch. It's exactly what it sounds like, a "news" website that looks at the world and tries to shoehorn events to fit "biblical prophecy".

The first post is based on an article talking about 9 signs of the apocalypse. It's not very good and it is quite underwhelming. I can't see how anybody would read that article and think that the world is ending. Things happen. We're seeing things happen and they don't need a reason to happen. So I wrote again, but not here unless you count this post tell you that I wrote somewhere else.

I hope you like the new blog, and I will try to get back to writing real stuff here as well. I need an outlet for all of the stuff running through my brain. 

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